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Thursday, February 14, 2013


District One CEC dual language meeting was a great success. The speakers were well versed in dual language education.

It was NOT great parent turn out, however those that were able to attend were able to learn more about dual language.

NYU Professor Robin Harvey provided a wonderful listing of references for parents to read with regard to research done on dual language pertaining to learning/teaching Mandarin. The presentations will be available on the CEC website.

In addition, to Ms. Harvey presentation, Ms. Pat Lo a DOE representative presentation will also be available on the CEC website. She presented on the growth of dual language schools nationwide. Her presentation was very informative.

We also heard from Ms. Laura Silver from the Hebrew Charter School. She was able to explain her schools method of teaching Hebrew which is different from the prescribe method adopted by the DOE.

Mr. Yan the Principal from the Dual Language Asian Studies High School speak briefly about his program. He decided only to focus on the power of teaching and reaching children. He was extremely humble and did not speak about the success of this school. He is a passionate educator and spoke to the hearts of parents who just want a GREAT educational experience for their children without concentrating on test scores. Excellence is what he expects from all of his children and they have met his challenge.

I am looking forward to more dual language meetings hosted by the CEC in the near future.  For those who missed it, you missed alot and fortunately I believe there will be more meetings in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. I have taken the time to read this blog and am moved by the passion in the support of a true Dual Language Program. I disagree with the term "factions" or "Pro Ling-Ling" "Anti-Ling-Ling" this is not even close to the truth. The reality as shown in the O.S.I. reports is that allegations against Ms. Chou were substantiated in over 25 instances. Many of these are Federal not D.O.E. violations as schools are funded by the Federal Government, and falsifying a Federal grant is not a small matter.
    As far as the parents in the school not living in the District this is more true than the author of this article knows, as many of the ringleaders are known by the D.O.E. to be outside the District, as evidenced by the rapid leave of some who were P.T.A. leaders or S.L.T. leaders. Also, some parents were not only attacked but brought into Federal and Criminal court, to tell them to move in is an insult, but I will say that I think this statement was made in ignorance of the facts of what has transpired.
    There are people who work in Shuang Wen who don't know what Dual Language is and I think the D.O.E. should be made to make a presentation at P.S. 184 to explain to the parents in Chinese and English just what is expected in a true Dual Language Program. What took place at P.S. 184 was a plan to get Ms. Chou's cronies into Specialized High School Programs by also falsifying earnings so that certain people could get their children into programs meant for Title 1 students. This has still not been addressed, and so there we have a problem. If you listened carefully to the Principal of the Dual Language High School you would have heard him say that he didn't have a feeder school for the High School. Why? Because the students from P.S. 184 don't have the language skills that are needed to enter into his program at the level they need to be. This is why we need parent leaders who are educated, and understand what is being said. I am not trying to insult anyone but I am tired of the C.E.C. which seems to depend on the President to decipher what is being said. I didn't see one question which dealt with what Mr. Yan said so plainly in his short talk. It is frustrating to me, to have to listen to the drivel that passed for intelligent dialog between the C.E.C. and the presenters, and I noticed that even though many of the questions dealt with P.S. 184 no one bothered to ask the interim Principal Ms. Chiu who was sitting in the front row. This is about reality not feelings, so let us operate on that level. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinions
