District One CEC dual language meeting was a great success. The speakers were well versed in dual language education.
It was NOT great parent turn out, however those that were able to attend were able to learn more about dual language.
NYU Professor Robin Harvey provided a wonderful listing of references for parents to read with regard to research done on dual language pertaining to learning/teaching Mandarin. The presentations will be available on the CEC website.
In addition, to Ms. Harvey presentation, Ms. Pat Lo a DOE representative presentation will also be available on the CEC website. She presented on the growth of dual language schools nationwide. Her presentation was very informative.
We also heard from Ms. Laura Silver from the Hebrew Charter School. She was able to explain her schools method of teaching Hebrew which is different from the prescribe method adopted by the DOE.
Mr. Yan the Principal from the Dual Language Asian Studies High School speak briefly about his program. He decided only to focus on the power of teaching and reaching children. He was extremely humble and did not speak about the success of this school. He is a passionate educator and spoke to the hearts of parents who just want a GREAT educational experience for their children without concentrating on test scores. Excellence is what he expects from all of his children and they have met his challenge.
I am looking forward to more dual language meetings hosted by the CEC in the near future. For those who missed it, you missed alot and fortunately I believe there will be more meetings in the near future.