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Monday, January 13, 2014


What is Shuang Wen lacking? DIVERSITY is the answer.
The Shuang Wen school community does not accurately reflect the demographics of District One. I do believe this was by design. However the Architects are beginning to disappear and it is now time for a new design. District One, just like New York City as a whole contains a high number of Hispanic residents. District One demographics also has a large number of Hispanic and Black residents. Shuang Wen school body is predominately Asian and very little of any other race.

What does Diversity mean to you?
Some may not agree that diversity should only be about race but also socioeconomic, gender and sexuality. If that is the case, Shuang Wen also lacks diversity in these areas as well.

My child has experienced his/her fair share of prejudices and bullying. In a conversation with an educator, not affiliate with the Shuang Wen faculty, she brought up an interesting observation. China, Korea, Japan and other Asian countries are homogeneous countries.   There is not a whole lot of exposure to other races. Therefore, it is very possible that the fear of the unknown creates apprehension based on ignorance. These fears are passed from parent(s) to child(ren). The fear that Blacks or Hispanics parents are inferior or don't care about education is an irrational fear.

More of the Shuang Wen parents should interact and get to learn more about each other and their respective culture.  

In order to create a better educational, loving, safe environment it behooves the parents to interact in a positive productive way. I would love to see mixers, athletic events or any other out of school time events. We will NOT all like each other but we can respect each other and teach our children how to respect each other and get along much better.

Parents should feel responsible for every child in the school and each child should feel responsible for each other.

Will racism, prejudice, discrimination, bullying, ignorance disappear?  NO is the answer. However, we can let parents and children know that it is NOT tolerate in our COMMUNITY.